Social media is nothing But a way of highligting the things for fame & name Reel & real has big difference. If you want this world to change then start being real. #stopshowingsympathythroughthissocialnetworking Written in Sarcastic tone, this poem raises questions to Humanity.
And once again candle marches have begun. Facebook, twitter and Instagram stories are on the run. In the name of a poor girl whose sexual rights have been brutally violated Two days of silence, Two days of demands for justice, All these dramatical stuff has surfaced In the name of a poor girl who fell in the trap of those ferocious animals. Her charred body, her lacerated wounds, Her suffering initiating deeply through her roots. People with all that heavy heart and with eye shedding tears, Can only show conern, which her parents can never bear. They neither want your candle march, nor your demand for justice. Their baby girl, their fighter daughter once again went through something which she did not deserve. I wish those social media updates had an impact in bringing down those rapists but agonisingly they don’t. But here we are In the Name of that poor girl who you now call your own. Thousands of candle marchs have taken. Thosands of stories have been posted. Every newspaper has it's headline asking the damn justice. we are watching this again and again since many years. Sadly we don't see anything to be working out. Every day there is another soul. Untill when? We as a Nation need to understand, All these stories and posters are hardly gonna make any difference. It's us as a NATION who need to change ourselves. We need to teach our SONS To RESPECT and TO PROTECT. We need to teach our daughters TO FIGHT FOR THEIR OWN RIGHTS. We need to teach ourselves TO LET OUR CHILDREN FLY HIGH, GIVING THEM A GOOD DIRECTION instead of bounding them with RESTRICTIONS.