One of the Main reasons behind WHO being playing the role of ‘GANDHARI’ (as in Mahabharat) can be the fact that WHO receives funding from China and is dependent on the regime of the Communist Party on many levels.
Amid Corona Virus outbreak we should not blame the Chinese people for the fact that a novel coronavirus cropped up in Wuhan. Rather We should blame the government in Beijing for making the problem dramatically worse by trying to cover it up, for its ridiculous efforts to try to shift blame for the epidemic onto the United States.
Global blame game continues over where the coronavirus came from as China, the US, and Iran point fingers at each other. A war of corona virus between the United States and China intensified after the Chinese embassy in France suggested the outbreak actually started in the US. President Donald Trump and other American officials have repeatedly described coronavirus as the "Chinese virus", incensing Beijing and sparking tit-for-tat accusations on the origin of the contagion.
We are all now paying a price for that corruption and stupidity.
The WHO leadership has been accused of serving China’s interests rather than preparing the world against the spread of the virus.The basis for these charges is the WHO’s endorsement of the Chinese claim in mid-January that there was no evidence of human-to-human transmission of the virus, consistent support for Beijing’s handling of the crisis and criticism of other nations for imposing travel restrictions to and from China. Critics also believe the WHO lulled the world into complacence by delaying the decision on calling it a global emergency. Whatever the merits of these arguments, they point to the new geopolitics of multilateralism, disprove the assumptions in both the West and India on China’s role in the UN, and underline Beijing’s success in the leveraging of international organisations for its national advantage.
The charge that the WHO leadership might have become a “tool of Chinese propaganda” shows how dramatically the relationship between Beijing and the world body has transformed in recent years. Nearly two decades ago, during the SARS crisis, WHO was at the front and centre of pressing China to come clean on the unfolding pandemic.
The biggest shit is that WHO experts are continue appreciating China’s “invaluable time for the response” and “all-of-government and all-of society approach” neglecting the negative externalities—from economic damage to the failure to treat many non-coronavirus patients, psychological woes, and human rights costs.
After several analysis, I thought One of the Main reasons behind WHO being playing the role of ‘GANDHARI’ (as in Mahabharat) can be the fact that WHO receives funding from China and is dependent on the regime of the Communist Party on many levels.
Because if we go to history a similar Virus known as SARS erupted from another wet market in China in 2003, which killed 774 people globally But No action was taken against China at that time.
A different opinion of my mind flashes to another fact that The world will not take action against China. Because China’s crime is hiding the outbreak and the extent of outbreak. But that is no different than what USA, UK and other western nations did during the Spanish Flu outbreak. And in the Spanish flu, about 500 million people were infected with the death toll being about 100 million. The world did not take action against USA, UK and Western powers then. In the same vein action will not be taken against China.
Political ironies apart, if there is one lesson that India could learn from China’s experience with WHO and the UN, it is that multilateralism is not an end in itself for major powers. It is an important means to secure one’s national interest and shape the international environment. As a nation battered by the Cultural Revolution, China used international cooperation and global institutions to rebuild itself in the last decades of the 20th century. Having developed its economy and advanced its scientific and technological base, China is now ready to reorder global governance and become a rule-maker.
This epidemic will subside. But we will not forget Beijing’s irresponsibility, nor its cowardice and dishonesty in the early days of the outbreak. The Beijing regime has long been a boot on the neck of the Chinese people, but it is now a menace to the world at large. There are many things that we hope will change in the wake of this crisis. The character of the WHO & government in Beijing should be two of them.