Human, the most intellectual living being in the planet has been blessed with the thinking ability & decision-making based on the ideals & beliefs set by him.
Setting up ideals & following it, is a state of perfection which is the result of inclusive management of morality, ethics, experiences, history and intelligence. Even we know each of them separately, though our achievements & ideals always seems to act like parallel lines, which never meets. This is the result of kinds of belief we had in our minds.
Generally, we have two conflicting believes - One is 'Belief at Work' & another is 'Belief that we consciously know is true'. And the parallel lines between the Man's Ideal & achievement is the consequence of difference between these conflicting beliefs.
Let's understand it through an example - You go to a shop, purchased something, pay the shopkeeper & by mistake he returns you more money than you should be given as change; Now you know that you should return that extra money, given by him to you. This is the belief that you consciously know is true. But rather than returning, you keep the extra money, thinking "It's God Gift" or "My luck !" or "Everyone do this" bla-bla. So this is the belief that you used in action at work.
Since Consciousness is temporary, Reflex action is permanent, our brain recognises 'Belief at Work' as True Belief. But the problem is that, Our Behaviour is a reflection of true belief, not of the belief that we consciously know is true. Thus the behaviour caused by this true belief takes us to a spiral downwards.
We need to merge true belief with consciously true belief for a positive behaviour, which led to the inclination in parallel lines of Man's Ideal & achievement which soon makes them meet and this could only be achieved by Vision & Commitment.